
Money Study Group | UH Personal Finance

Assignment 7 Bargaining and Negotiating

The topic of Bargaining and Negotiating has always been one of the most interesting in our discussions of Personal Finance. Bargaining and Negotiating involves a few basic skills that can make a big difference in your financial life, everything from baseball cards to lease agreements. Cars, motorhomes, job promotions, salary, benefits and almost anything you buy or sell involves some degree of Bargaining and Negotiating.

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Bargaining and Negotiating Assignment

Bargaining and Negotiating Skills with Ramit Sethi

Based on what you learned this week about bargaining — and negotiation skills — tell me your story. Also tell me what you thing about the differences between Bargaining and Negotiating.

Bargaining and Negotiating Resources

  • Spend 30 minutes or so and do some research on Bargaining and Negotiating

  • Share 2 YouTube Video Links and 2 articles About Bargaining and Negotiating that you found helpful

    • Briefly Summarize each video and each article

    • Tell me why you chose these resources to include in this assignment

    • Post Your Comments and at least one helpful link

  • Tell me what you learned from Ramit Sethi about Salary Negotiation and why it matters.

List and Summarize Your Top 7 Bargaining Tips, Skills, Ideas

Share what you learned this week. I’m especially interested in knowing how you will put these tips, tools, skills, and ideas into practice in your own life based on the big idea of this week’s lesson.

Who do you know Who is a Master Negotiator?

Why is this person good at Bargaining and Negotiating? What makes them good at bargaining and/or negotiating?

Tell Me More

  • If you love to bargain and negotiate

  • If you hate to bargain and negotiate

  • If it feels like a fun game for you

  • If feels awkward and painful

About Your Expericene

  • What have you “negotiated” lately?

  • What was that like for you?

  • What did you learn in the process?

  • Will you be negotiating more in the future?

  • What will you be negotiating more of in the future?

  • Make a list of 10 things you plan to negotiate in the future:


    • In the next 24 hours…

    • In the next week…

    • In the next month…

    • In the next year…

Your Article should be about 800 — 1000 words (50 points).

As always, please format your article with a title, an introduction, and feel free to use images if you like. Upload either a Word or PDF file to BB.

7 Rules, Boundaries, and Opportunities for Bargaining and Negotiating

This is my list of 7 principles related to Bargaining and Negotiating, this is not so much a list of skills as it is a list of things to think about as you work on developing your Bargaining and Negotiating Skills.

    • Negotiate Anything and Everything

    • Exercise Your Walk-Away-Muscle

    • Practice the Daily Discipline of Patience

    • Comparison Shopping Builds 3 Kinds of Muscle

      • Mental Muscle (Research takes brains and you learn stuff, too)

      • Emotional Muscle (Patience is typically involved in comparison shopping because it takes time)

    • Cash is King in Bargaining (but maybe not like cash used to be king…)

    • Silence is Golden so Shut Up

    • Timing. Timing. Timing is Everything!

Submit One PDF File in Canvas and be sure to Include a Screenshot of Week 7 Quiz — Bargaining

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