Money Study Group | UH Personal Finance

Day One Personal Finance Summer 2023

Day One Intro to Personal Finance Summer School 2023; Otherwise known as Money Study Group for serious students of Personal Finance. I have Some Good News, Some Bad News, and I'll make sure you understand The Big Idea of the course.

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Day One Personal Finance Summer 2023

Welcome to Intro to Personal Finance Summer School 2023; Otherwise known as Money Study Group for serious students of Personal Finance. I have Some Good News, Some Bad News, and I’ll make sure you understand The Big Idea of the course.

Canvas Link Updates JRM 11:37 AM CT June 06, 2023


The Good News

Each element of the class (lectures, video tutorials, planning and homework assignments, and online discussion) is designed to help you develop financial habits that lead to more clarity, confidence, and contentment in your financial life. And, yes, Introduction to Personal Finance is (as you’ve heard on an easy A, IF…

  • Keep Up with Homework

  • Watch Weekly Lectures

  • Stay Engaged in Class Collaboration

The Bad News

Introduction to Personal Finance is just the beginning. There’s so much more to learn about Financial Planning and Investment Management, you’ll only just be getting an “Introduction” to Personal Finance in this course.

  • The Three Laws of Personal Finance

  • The Blueprint for Financial Success

  • And Much, Much More…

    • 100 Ways to Save More Money

    • 100 Ways to Pay Lower Taxes, And

    • 100 Ways to Build a Better Retirement

The Big Idea

Imagine your life in 25 years. The financial habits you develop today will determine your financial reality later in life. Introduction to Personal Finance is designed to teach you the small, easy steps you can take today to become a Millionaire by Age 50.

Each element of the class (lectures, video tutorials, planning and homework assignments, and online discussion) is designed to help you develop financial habits that lead to more clarity, confidence, and contentment.

Money Management is a discipline that builds financial muscle. In this class, you’ll create a (digital) Blueprint for building financial success throughout your lifetime.

The Three Laws of Personal Finance

  • The Law of Spending and Saving

  • The Law of Tax-Advantaged Investing

  • The Law of Purpose and Contentment

Syllabus Review

  • Register and Enroll

  • Early Assignments

  • This Semester’s YouTube Playlist

  • This Semester’s GroupMe Link (See Canvas and also inside

  • We have a Facebook Page

Class Participation is Supposed to Be FUN


Summer School-1

Summer School-2

Summer School-3

Summer School-4

Summer School-5

Summer School-6

Summer School-7

Summer School-8

Summer School-9

Summer School-10

Summer School-11



Summer School-14

Summer School-15

Summer School-16


Summer School-18



Make Your Money Count

Special -Limited- Hard Cover Edition of Make Your Money Count by Jim Munchbach, CFP® Professional. 

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Investment Advice and Financial Planning are offered through BayRock Financial, L.L.C., a Registered Investment Advisor. BayRock does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal financial circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters or legal issues, it is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any investor or taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each investor should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. All content from and is provided for general information and educational purposes only. This content is based on publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable. Neither Missional Money nor BayRock Financial, L.L.C. can assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials and this information can change at any time and without notice. Use this material only as general guide to further discussion with your Certified Financial Planner™ professional and/or other Financial Advisor(s).

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