Welcome to Missional Money

Jim Munchbach

Memorial Day 2023

Memorial Day 2023 was supposed to have me create a video my clients, friends, and family. One thing led to another and, well, here’s the video I made for my Mom on Memorial Day 2023.

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Business Succession Planning for Small Business Owners
Jim Munchbach

Business Succession Planning

Business succession planning plays a vital role in ensuring the continuity and stability of your organization. By proactively identifying and preparing potential successors, you can avoid sudden leadership vacuums and minimize the disruptions that could arise from an unplanned transition.

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Jim Munchbach

New Car Lifetime Cost

The real cost of owning a new car over your lifetime is very high, especially if you plan to buy a new car every 4 years. The initial price tag is just the beginning. There are hidden costs associated with owning a new car including interest on the loans.

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Asking for Donations

In today’s episode, we’ll be sharing some tips, tools, and strategies for Christian Missionaries who need a better approach to asking for donations.

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Jim Munchbach

Apple Stock Story

If I purchased $100,000 worth of Apple Stock in 2009 for $6.50 per share, how many shares of Apple Stock would I own today and what would I have in my Roth IRA vs. Taxable account?

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Jim Munchbach

Portfolio Rebalancing Like Balancing a Tire

Portfolio Rebalancing RE-balances the portfolio, so the assets run smoothly toward your goals. Sometimes people only need to make small adjustments, but often they need to make major changes in the distribution of assets.

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