RightCapital Plan Review UH Personal Finance

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Capstone Workshop – Zoom Meeting April 26, 2022

Jose Plan Review Tutorial


I have looked at the video on today’s lecture and I have edited some of my work and I cant still be able to move the probability of success. I was looking at Ashley’s example and I see she doesn’t have a Property In the network. Would you be able to help me out? Like i have explained the only way i can move the needle is if a change my age to 91 in retirement.




Raymond – Age Question, $109,000,000 Plus

  • I am wondering, for the capstone assignment do we change our age to our current age, or do we keep it as if I was 10 years older. Do we just start as if we were our age now?

  • I also have a question in regards to what I attached below, I am not sure as to how to use the primary match and primary match to?

  • I don’t understand why my number is so high? Is it because of my primary match and maybe my growth in my career? I know growth for me will be at about 12% in the beginning every year.

Screenshot 2022-04-25 213248

Question for Munchbach-1

Question for Munchbach


Jonathan Money Question

The area I need help on is figuring out the right amount of money I would use as after retirement expenses without limiting myself too much but at the same time, not run out of money.


Gabriel Sanchez – Mortgage Payoff

I had a question for the Capstone Workshop that you will hold tomorrow. I am worried that I will get penalized because I had set my mortgage loan for a fixed 30 year loan. However, when I apply debt payment strategies, at the very last year an unrealistic amount is being paid towards the mortgage loan, not allowing the loan to span the whole 30 years. I’d like to get a fix for this, however I have tried various things on my end and I am not sure what else could be affecting the loan.


Obi – Future Dollars?

In the retirement analysis section, are we supposed to have “Future dollars” turned on to avoid having an exorbitant amount of retirement savings? Thanks.

Ashley How to Adjust Asset Allocation

Capstone Workshop Questions

  1. How do I adjust my asset allocations to better move my retirement needle?

  2. how to pick and add investments into bayrock ? I only have the IRA



I had a couple of questions regarding my retirement probability after adding in the tax advantage accounts for this week’s assignment:

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 11.06.20 PM

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 11.04.51 PM

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  1. I had inputted a 401k account during a pervious assignment. Was this a mistake and/or should this be removed?

  2. My retirement probability is 97% with over $25,000,000. This seems to be way too high, and I can’t figure out why? Is it because of the other 401k account?


Yong-Er 3%

For my class collaboration I would like to ask about my probability cards in Bayrock. My proposed plan in Bayrock currently has a 3% probability of success, but the current plan has 0% of success even though I have inputted all the new information. I am not sure if this should be correct, since the example picture for the “After Probability” has some percentages in the current plan. I will attach what I see below for more insight.


Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 11.44.31 PM




How Can I Be Sure My Numbers are Good

Good Morning,

Regarding the capstone project, so far I have gotten full points for my work, but how do I know that my data cards are displaying the correct range of numbers to receive full points for the project?

Tax Allocation – 100% Taxable

Greetings Professor!

I am emailing you because I am a little confused about my portfolio on BayRock. Attached is a screenshot of my tax allocation.

Taxable Only

I started off with $365,000 in taxable assets and I’m not sure if this is supposed to be like this. Am I on the right track or is this completely wrong?



Aiza (June)

Hi Professor,

Please see the questions below for the Capstone Workshop:

Probability – total earnings

  • How do we know if our total earnings at the end of our plan are reasonable? For example, my total earnings are approximately 5 million before tax allocation and 10 million after adding $50,000 to three investment accounts.


  • How do we know if our pre-retirement and post-retirement expenses are reasonable?

  • Should we refrain from adding monthly mortgage and other debt payments to our expense data cards?

Future Salary:

  • I have based my Bayrock plan on the salary I will earn after 5+ years of working, rather than my salary straight out of college. I did this because I do not plan on purchasing a home or car until I reach a certain income. Is it okay if I keep my Bayrock plan the way it is, or do I need to adjust everything based on my income immediately after graduating?



Hi, Professor Munchbach

This is Zhangshun Qin in your 11:30 class. About this week’s class collaboration, my question is that since 401(k) is contributed with pre-tax money and pays tax when withdrawing, is the tax rate the same for different people after they are retired? And according to the video, it is best to choose 401(k) if the investor is already making a lot of money and expecting to retire in a lower tax bracket, does it mean the investor will have to get to a lower position in the company or get a lower-income job to get into the lower tax bracket?

Thank you and late happy birthday!




Needle Not Move Good evening professor,

My name is Tuyen Tran, and my student ID is 1918361, and I am in your Personal Finance class from 10-11:30 am on Tuesday. I have question regarding the portal planning.

I have trying so many ways to try to move the Probability Needles, but the needles was never move, and I am not sure if I miss something or if I did not do it correctly. This is my question regarding for week 11 class collaboration.

Have a good weekend

Thank you.



Hello Professor, I just submitted this weeks assignment and now i do have some questions for capstone. Is my 401k supposed to be under my investments tab? Also my probability of success is still 100% and i’m not sure as to why. I keep playing with it but nothing is changing. Also for my asset allocations my annual return is 9.7% but standard deviation is 16.1%

i’m uncertain on how to get the percentages to move

Asset Allocation-Can't change settings

Keep Your Age 10 Years Plus, yes

For the Capstone project, I would like to confirm whether we are supposed to keep the same settings and changes we made to our financial plan on Bayrock for previous assignments? For example, do we keep our birthday as 10 years older than we actually are for the Capstone as well, or is this just for the Week 10 Assignment?

Due Dates for BB Assignments

Hi Professor,

I just had a question about the last few assignments for the class.

The last due dates for the last 3 assignments are April 26th, May 10th, and May 24th. Are all these assignments really going to be assigned to us? Are the due dates for these assignments going to be changed?

These questions especially apply to the last assignment due May 24th, since Instructor Grades are due May 16th.

Please get back to me as soon as you can.

Thank You,


Great question, Patrick. I’ll be updating the assignment due dates so that we can get the grades submitted to UH by May 16. I’ll discuss/announce this when I do the Capstone Workshop.


JRM April 22, 2022 at 11:52 AM



The only issue I’m having in the capstone assignment is that in the retirement tab in the probability section, For some reason the only way my probability of success goes up is if i change my age to 91. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I have done step by step what you have provided us to be successful on the capstone. Please check my account and give me some guidelines on what I’m doing wrong to correct these issues. That is the only issue I’m having.

For this class, I’m having a blast learning new things every week. The assignment is pretty straightforward i would recommend other students to take this course. I have only good things to say about this course “personal finance”.



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Investment Advice and Financial Planning are offered through BayRock Financial, L.L.C., a Registered Investment Advisor. BayRock does not provide tax or legal advice. The information presented here is not specific to any individual’s personal financial circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters or legal issues, it is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, by any investor or taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law. Each investor should seek independent advice from a tax professional based on his or her individual circumstances. All content from MissionalMoney.com and SaltyAdvisors.com is provided for general information and educational purposes only. This content is based on publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable. Neither Missional Money nor BayRock Financial, L.L.C. can assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials and this information can change at any time and without notice. Use this material only as general guide to further discussion with your Certified Financial Planner™ professional and/or other Financial Advisor(s).

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